The GOInquire Blog

Sunday, February 26, 2006


From Patricia...I tried this software that can be downloaded for free and it allows the user to cut and paste any piece of text and it will read it for you. The great thing is that it also reads Spanish. It lets you also highlight pieces of text or words in different colors, the link is (there's a piece you have to pay for if you want, but it's very cheap, but the things I described are available for free).

Monday, February 13, 2006

Skypecast #4

Meeting summary: Explicating Theory- Observation- NOS- Metacognition- GOInquire. Review of Erin's, Patricia's and Prototype documents.

Only 1 minor technical difficulty. Skype would not hang up when calling SkypeTest. In hung the whole system. We had to reboot the whole OS. After that some intermittent audio warping.

Monday, February 06, 2006

Skypecast #3

Continued problems with setting up the conference. The first 10 to 15 minutes were kind of chaotic. Might want to skip that. Patricia discusses her Instructional Sequence and the Rationale behind it. John presents the generative SuperDictionary.

Turns out we needed to log into the same account in which the Actiontec was installed.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Test: Blog from Flickr

Originally uploaded by johnybaek.
Hello world. See the Notes? Click on the picture to see the notes.

Educational Research Mobblog: Behind the Scenes: GOInquire Skypecast